I began Judo with Yukio TANI, a Japanese teacher of the old school. To most
students he taught Judo as a health-giving sport, but for a few really keen
ones the training was on a different basis. I was one of these, practising
every evening till the training period ended. One day I felt rather off-colour,
and prepared to leave early. The teacher said: "Where are you going?"
I replied, "I am not feeling very well: I will come tomorrow".
He said, 'If a man comes up to you in the street with a hammer, wanting
to kill you, can you say to him "I am not feeling very well; come back
tomorrow"?' I remained that evening till he sent me home. This one
remark, heard only that time but never forgotten, was a big help later on
when facing very gruelling training programmes, and very gruelling life
situations. Synopsis
The book by a high-grade Judo expert who trained some international Judo
stars, gives lively accounts of his own traditional-style training, and
something of his own training methods to develop the inner side of Judo.
Close combat is a deep-seated instinct, and one aim of Judo is to refine
and finally spiritualize it into an inner training for mutual benefit -
making friends and not enemies. Contents
Trevor Leggett illustrates that Judo is not just a sport but gives skills
for everyday life. The attractive layout, with a range of photographs that
break up the text, makes it easier to dip into for a shorter or longer read
depending on your mood. It is not just restricted to Judo enthusiasts as
the traditions apply to other sports and to life in general. ...Each story
contains useful advice, from confronting our weak points and ... dealing
with them to training techniques that maintain inner and outer balance and
develop energy and courage for life. The last piece, called Hold Tightly,
Let Go Lightly, is a principle that Trevor Leggett explains can be applied
at every level, to cultivate and invigorate everyday life,' and perhaps
give a glimpse of something beyond, hidden in the everyday'. World
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