Japan's Game of StrategyShogiJapanese ChessTrevor Leggett was an acknowledged expert of chess and shogi. In fact Past Master Yasuharu OYAMA, many times all-Japan champion, conferred the grade of Fifth Dan on Trevor Leggett on behalf of the all-Japan Shogi Association, brushing the diploma with his own hand, a rare honour. Leggett's is one of the few highly qualified and recognized authorities on Shogi and the first foreigner to compile a book on the ancient Japanese version of the chess game. His book is a 'must read' for anyone with an interest in the game. For those who have no prior knowledge of Shogi some background information is available from the Shogi (Chess variants) knowledge base. Also if you would like to try playing Shogi yourself and don't have a set - but have the patience to make one ... |